Between The Lines in 2012:

      January 6th: After having taken a few days of (desperately needed and deserved!) breaktime, I’m back at it. Currently, I’m fleshing out the details of an article on Creation v. Evolution. In short, I might be digging myself a hole, or I might be elevating the blog to another level. We’ll see!

      December 17th: Wow, I’m just now getting around to updating “Between The Lines”? I am such a baaaaad blogger! At any rate, the article mill has been turning much slower this past year, what with the loss of my domain, the duldrums over the ever-present tragedies in the news…weight of the world stuff. It’s only in the past few weeks that I’ve again taken up the sword (pen / keyboard and mouse, pick your “pluma”!) and committed words and punctuation to form. I hope the read is good…

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