Stepping Outside of TTUAC

     I know it seems like I’m proverbially “beating the dead horse” with this, however I wanted to expand a bit on a few things that I have read outside of Pearl’s disputed child “training” tome. Specifically, there are some rather disturbing comments that were posted on Facebook.

     The thing about Facebook and a lot of the “new media” is that it brings out the best and the worst in people. When the internet started back in the nineties, there was indeed a great deal of anonymity. Now, it seems like people have taken the behaviours and comments that they once posted under the cover of that anonymity, and become so comfortable with them that they have no shame in being associated with what they post. The same goes for Michael Pearl evidently, because what I’ve read in his FB posts reveals a much darker, sinister side of the man behind TTUAC’s principles.

     A number of you reading this may know what I’m talking about. A Facebook Note from March 1st of last year, less than a month after the death of Lydia Schatz conveys Mr. Pearl’s disdain for critics and detractors of his teachings. The following are excerpts from the post, along with my personal thoughts on the matter:

“It has come to my attention that a vocal few are decrying our sensible application of the Biblical rod in training up our children.”

     Better to be one of the vocal few, than the silent masses. (I seem to recall something about a “voice crying out in the wilderness”…) “..sensible application of the Biblical rod”? Do we really need to get into that whole “fifteen licks with a rubber hose on a seven-year-old” thing again? I don’t recall Moses, King David, Saul, Solomon, Noah or anyone else in either testament running down to Home Depot to buy 1/4 inch plumbing supply line in bulk to properly “train up” their progeny…

“I laugh at my caustic critics, for our properly spanked and trained children grow to maturity in great peace and love. Numbered in the millions, these kids become the models of self-control and discipline, highly educated and creative-entrepreneurs that pay the taxes your children will receive in entitlements.”

     Mr. Pearl makes the assumption (you know what they say about “assume”!) that those who receive benefits and subsidies such as Social Security, Cash Aid, Food Aid, MediCare etcetera were not “properly spanked and trained children”. Wow. My grandmother was on SSI until she passed away, and was one of the kindest, most inner-beautiful Christian women I have ever known.

“When they go to a doctor, it will be one of our Christian children that heals them with cutting edge innovation.”

     Hmm. My daughter’s last regular pediatrician was from India, so I wouldn’t know about that one…

“When your children grow old and realize their mortality and seek to make peace with their Creator, it will be one of our children that shares with them the message of God’s love and forgiveness.”

     Another gross assumption. Just because I’m not using Michael Pearl’s doctrine of child “training” doesn’t mean that I’m not teaching my daughter about Jesus Christ, the Bible and why we believe the way we do! More arrogance from the league leader…

“My five grown children are laughing at your foolish, uninformed criticism of God’s method of child training…”

     How DARE Michael Pearl presume to speak for God! So now Pearl’s method is GOD’s method? I can tell what comes next in this hit parade; making the statement that he is “like unto God”. Michael Pearl, you’d better watch your shizzle! The last sentient being that made that statement ended up getting his teets in the wringer, along with one-third of the host that followed him!

“My granddaughters laugh with joy after giving their baby dolls a spanking for “being naughty” because they know their dolls will grow up to be the best mamas and daddies in the world-just like them.”

     I find this one sentence to be the most disturbing of the entire post. If this is indeed true, then these kids are already maladjusted, even before reaching adulthood. NO ONE should ever feel “joyful” about causing another pain. That is callous, hateful and just plain W – R – O – N – G on several levels! Now I feel I can safely draw the parallel between Michael Pearl and Fred Phelps, founder and Pastor of Westboro Baptist Church. Both are teaching their children to hate, albeit in differing ways. While Phelps teaches outward and straight forward hate, Pearl instills it subtly through his “training” methods. This alone makes Michael Pearl far more of a dangerous influence than Fred Phelps, not to mention that thousands of people around the world are reading his tome and applying its principles.

     At this point, I do not feel that I need to read the book in order to prove the impeachability of its content. All that is needed is to observe the comments of its author. I guess I should read it at sometime, so that I can more effectively refute its contents like Julie, one of my readers suggests. I will however, go into that reading with the disturbing image of maladjusted little girls, spanking their dolls and laughing about it, forever burned into my psyche. This saddens my heart.