Navigating Stranger Tides: News Recap

     Back when I was a young adult, and for sometime prior to that, the world made sense. I remember a time when Coke was a soft drink, “sick” meant that you needed to go to the doctor, and “hoe” was something that your mom wanted you to take to the soil in the garden or yard. I remember when we used to bust the drug dealers and take away their weapons, when people used to bob for apples and you had to be careful, because snakes bit people.

     Now the world seems like it’s turned bass-ackwards. Our government is giving weapons to the drug cartels;

     …we’ve got Apple bobbing for iPhones;

     …and people biting snakes!

     In what seems like a mere blink of an eye in the grand scheme of things, the tides have turned. The trick of existing in today’s weirdness is knowing how to navigate these stranger tides. If you don’t, you’ll get dashed against the rocks of what is questionably referred to these days as “progress”…

Worms In The Apple?


Apple Headquarters

    Lately, it seems that tech giant Apple can’t keep ahold of its prototype iPhones. Preceding the last major iPhone release, one of their prototypes got left behind at a bar. Well, the fruits are at it again: another prototype, lost at another bar. (Might I suggest that Apple research techs stop frequenting the local watering holes?)

     Apple has been growing. Since the days of the Apple IIe, IIc and Macintosh, they’ve been on a roll. The iPod, the iPhone, the iPad…innovation keeps coming off the assembly line at One Infinite Loop. The only problem is, Apple seems to now think it has police power as well! With the loss of this latest iPhone prototype, there have been Apple “agents” going into private homes, and conducting warrantless searches. Some of these “visitations” have even been accompanied by local PD…

     What gives Steve Jobs and the “GhestApple” (yes, I know. Steve just stepped down.) the right to go rifling through someone’s home without a warrant? Fox News reports that these “agents” are even masquerading as police officers. If I’m not mistaken, that in and of itself is illegal!

     It’s not enough that Apple insists on charging exhorbitant prices for its products and services. Now they want to get into the home in a completely new way? So what do we call this latest episode in Fruitville? Apple is Bobbing For iPhones? The whole thing stinks like rotting fruit!

     Oh, but don’t take my word for it, by all means be as informed as possible before giving your hard-earned recession economy dollars to companies like Apple. For further reading, please see the following articles:

Police Assisted Apple in Search of Man’s Home (CNN)

San Francisco Police Help Search For Lost iPhone (Fox News)

California Man Claims Home Was Searched for Prototype iPhone by People Impersonating Officers (FoxNews)